Apologies are way overdue for my absence, my excuses sound like this- being away for most of August; producing new works of Birmingham for my agent ( sounds fancy but means I get even less cash) and five wee paintings of Manchester to do for the Colin Jellicoe Gallery. All this hasn't given me much time for writing.

Mr. Price and myself are once again itinerant artists now staying in a pretty village in the hills of Lancashire, on the edge of the Trough of Bowland, where Tolkein got his inspiration for The Shire.
Like last year, we're painting shop windows with a Yuletide theme in the market town of Clitheroe; to date we're eleven shops down and twenty-odd to go.
I've painted ten robins already and Mr. Price has had his 'baptism of fire' with- for an electrical shop- his depiction of Father Christmas emerging from a 3D television along with various desirable goods... radio, headphones, toaster.
A difficult one, that- but we aim to please! See us in action for the next couple of weeks, take us for a coffee break!!

I went to Stonyhurst College, set in the Ribble Valley, and a place with which Tolkein had strong ties.
There is much debate as to the setting that inspired the Shire but I believe the Ribble Valley has a strong claim.
A couple of links:
(Sorry to be such a pedant but Stuart stayed recently and it's infectious. Hope Stuart doesn't read this:)
It looks like The Shire and has it in its name!!
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