A trip to the North-West means that myself and my accomplice Mr.Price have the opportunity, at last, to see the artworks. At the restaurant we explain why we're there and are whisked off by a waitress to a table for two... “I'm sure we can do something for you!” she says, and later assures us that “Manager says no charge for meal!”
The paintings look bigger than I though they might, and it's really strange to see them-my very own pictures! installed in public....eek! I feel pleased, proud, and oddly humbled.
Our lovely waitress, between the pizza and the ice-cream, tells us how much she likes the artworks, and how popular they are, and, after the coffee, says goodbye to both of us with a big hug and a kiss.
Mr. Price says he's so glad he met me.... having supplied him with a free meal and kisses from a pretty young lady!
Next stop- and just across the piazza- The Lowry, where we just have time to watch the excellent documentary on L.S. It's a moving portrait of a lonely man... without who my Pizzapics would never have seen the light of day- thank you, Mr. Lowry!
Congratulations! I hope you picked an American Hot - my favourite.
I have downloaded all the paintings so am very familiar with them.
They do look good hanging there.
Thanks, Dot... I has the cheapest thing on the menu as she only told us after the first course that it was gratis... curses!
They look great! There's often the most horrific stuff on restaurant walls. Congratulations.
Thanks, James, much appreciated from someone whose work I admire!
Should you read this, here's a link to my other Salford and Manchester pictures. (sorry- can't do a direct link from here)
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