Saturday 7 February 2009

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It...

Thanks to a worrying amount of the white stuff coming down I've had to cancel the aptly-named Saturday Art Day. Someone I know kindly abbreviated this to S.A.D- and the Monday Art.... well, you get the picture.
This week- I can go to The Ball! I've probably sold two pictures at the Seegallery in Rossendale and one at Colin Jellicoe in Manchester.
All three were small collaged drawings of Manchester views- the Cornerhouse, Central Library, and Sunlight House.
Encouraged by the carrot of success and driven by the whip of a rapidly diminishing log-pile, I finished another one yesterday- of Deansgate.
The building's in collaged parcel paper, the drawing's in pen and ink and- spot this- I've included myself rummaging in my bag for my sketchbook. Or was it my camera?

Pictures: Deansgate Girls, Sunlight House Distant.


James Hobbs said...

I like them. Good to be selling things now, too.
Morrissey = cool. Lucky you.
Next time you're in London with spare time: Skylark 2 is in the Oxo Tower, a short stroll along from the National Theatre.

Caroline said...

Thank you, James- we went past the Oxo Tower- damn!
Morrissey was excellent, and we were delighted to see him in such a small venue as the BBC's Broadcasting House Radio Theatre. Have a look ...
The big bloke second up on the second row is Alastair, and I'm the small figure beyond!